x QBOS REST API documentation for ACTV2CHILD

QBOS REST API documentation (ACTV2CHILD)

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The ACTV2CHILD API allows client applications to maintain ACTV2CHILD data record sets.


This developer's guide is intended for software developers needing a technical reference for using the QBOS REST API. The information you find in this guide is written by software engineering, and is authoritative on how the API behaves.

Additional resources, information about this guide

Occasionally, we make a mistake in this documentation, or unknowingly break a feature that you depend on. If this has happened to you, we apologize! You can help us fix the issue by contacting us at: pkajaani@qbos.com. We appreciate your help.

Getting Started

To place any request in a QBOS API application from a third party application you need to first authenticate your user account and set/calculate values for the following request headers: x-qbos-id, x-qbos-nonce, x-qbos-date-utc, x-qbos-hash-version, x-qbos-auth

See details in Authentication Documentation.

Custom resource vs. standard resource URI format

Custom resource (a.k.a applet) URI contains the resource vendor id in place of "/o/" in the standard object URI. Compare: .../v1/o/...with .../v1/{vendor_id}/...

ACTV2CHILD properties

Properties prefixed with '_' (underscore) are read-only properties. i.e. POST and PUT processing will ignore these properties.

Name Type Max
Numeric Required
Filterable Default Description
_client_Id bigint Yes NULL This is the Data Org Id.
_owner_Id bigint Yes Yes NULL This is the user id of the record owner. Defaults to the creatorOpid.
_creator_Opid bigint Yes Yes NULL This is the user id of the original record submitter.
_create_Date datetime No {timestamp}   Not enterable upon Insert. System sets this date upon record creation.
status_id int Yes Yes 5659 The status id of the record. Taken from the Life Cycle statuses in ADS.
_status_Change_Date datetime No NULL Not enterable. System sets this date whenever the statusid is changed.
Start_Time datetime Yes NULL
End_Time datetime Yes NULL
Duration decimal(20,2) 20 Yes Yes NULL
Miles decimal(20,2) 20 Yes Yes NULL

ACTV2CHILD Relationships

Parent and Child relations to ACTV2CHILD.

Note that the only Required status on relationships that affect a POST of an object are on the parent relations. A Required status on a child relation is only meaningful when POSTing the child object.

Linking during POST: a custom object record can be linked to a parent or child record (custom or standard) during POST by including (in the payload) the realtion id paired with the parent or child object record being linked to. For example: { "REl_3126" : 1832 }      Multiple links may be created in the same POST.

Relation Id Cardinality
Links Up To Is Unary?*
REL_3126 1-Many Yes DAL_Activities
Parent Relations


Child Relations
Relation Id Cardinality
**on POST of child
Links Down To  

Read ACTV2CHILD by id:

GET https:/.../v1/517090/ACTV2CHILD/{id}

Response codes:

  • 200 - OK
  • 404 - Not found or user does not have permission to access resources of this type.
  • 400 - Client error
  • 500 - Server error

Response data: GET https:/.../v1/517090/ACTV2CHILD/37
Unauthorized request.

Read ACTV2CHILD by parent id:

GET https:/.../v1/517090/{parent_relation_id}/{parent_id}/links/ACTV2CHILD[?{filter}]

Response codes:

  • 400 - Client error
  • 500 - Server error
  • 404 - Not found or user does not have permission to access resources of this type.
  • 200 - OK

Response data: GET https:/.../v1/517090/3126/511887/links/ACTV2CHILD
Unauthorized request.

Read ACTV2CHILD by filter:

GET https:/.../v1/517090/ACTV2CHILD[?{filter}]

Response codes:

  • 200 - OK
  • 400 - Client error
  • 404 - Not found or user does not have permission to access resources of this type.
  • 500 - Server error

Response data: GET https:/.../v1/517090/ACTV2CHILD?id=37
Unauthorized request.


POST https:/.../v1/517090/ACTV2CHILD

Request data [See properties]:

Response codes:


PUT https:/.../v1/517090/ACTV2CHILD/{id}

Request data [See properties]:

Response codes:

  • 200 - OK Content returned [See response data]
  • 204 - OK No content
  • 400 - Client error
  • 404 - Not found
  • 500 - Server error


DELETE https:/.../v1/517090/ACTV2CHILD/{id}

The "id" in JSON payload is required to match the {id} in the URI to ensure that deletion requests are intended and safe

Response codes:

  • 204 - OK
  • 400 - Client error
  • 404 - Not found
  • 500 - Server error

Create Link for ACTV2CHILD:

POST https:/.../v1/517090/{relation_id}/{link_to_id}/links/ACTV2CHILD/{id}

{relation_id} can indicate either a parent or a child relation.

Response codes:

  • 204 - OK
  • 400 - Client error
  • 404 - Not found
  • 500 - Server error

Delete Link for ACTV2CHILD:

DELETE https:/.../v1/517090/{parent_relation_id}/{parent_id}/links/ACTV2CHILD/{id}

Deleting a link from ACTV2CHILD down to a child object must be explicitly indicated by negating the relation id:

DELETE https:/.../v1/517090/{-child_relation_id}/{child_id}/links/ACTV2CHILD/{id}

Response codes:

  • 204 - OK
  • 400 - Client error
  • 404 - Not found
  • 500 - Server error